2016 XC Team

2016 XC Team

Saturday, October 24, 2015

XC Update 10/16 to 10/31

Great job yesterday at the District Championships!  Our girls Varsity secured a berth to the state meet with their 2nd place finish and the rest of our team truly gave their best effort.  It was exciting to see our guys give Bend High a close race - we are truly proud of you for being willing to go after them!  Both our JV boys and girls also finished in 2nd!  Way to go JV runners!  Overall we also had 12 out of 19 boys and 9 out of 10 JV girls run season bests - Girls Varsity will be running theirs at state after a taper this week :).  What a great way to end the season!

Thank you to all of the parents and coaches who helped setup, run, and takedown the race.  We couldn't have done it without you!

Checkout District Results Here:  http://www.athletic.net/CrossCountry/Results/Meet.aspx?Meet=109561#263

Check out Season Bests Here: http://www.athletic.net/CrossCountry/Team.aspx?SchoolID=263

We will be taking uniforms on Monday and Tuesday.  All boys should show up on Monday and all girls on Tuesday at our normal practice time and location.  Please wash your uniforms before turning them in!  If you are unable to make it please bring your uniform on the alternate day.

Girls varsity will be practicing for state at our regular meeting time all week (M, T, Th at 3pm & W at 1:15pm.  Any seniors interested in attending practices to help pace our girls are welcome to attend as well.

Also, thank you to the boys that attended the pancake breakfast fundraiser this morning!

Other Reminders:

1. Mark your calendars!  Our end of the season team banquet is on November 8th at 5:30pm at the St. Charles Convention Center.  All athletes and their families are invited and encouraged to attend as we look back on the season and honor this great group of kids!  There will be a $15 fee for dinner for all family members but you can come and not eat if you don't want to pay - we will even have free cake for you!  The team will cover the cost of athletes. Please pre-pay for parents and family members online at https://touchbase.bend.k12.or.us.  Login with your Student ID number for User Name and last name as the password.  Please send us an email if you WILL NOT be attending the banquet OR if you will need a vegetarian meal as we need a headcount for total meals.

As a side note, most athletes typically dress in formal wear for this event.

2. All athletes are strongly encouraged to participate in a winter sport.  Some options to consider are Nordic Skiing, Swimming, Winter Track, Basketball and Wrestling.

3. Team Shirts are still available.  T-Shirts are $5 for athletes and $15 for adults.  Limited sizes are available.  Really nice long sleeve shirts are available to athletes only for $30.  These are the same long sleeve shirts we will be using for the next few years so if you buy one now you won't need to buy another later on.  We also just got team hats in that are available to both parents and athletes for $25.

4. The State Meet is this coming Saturday, October 31st and would love as many athletes as possible to attend to support our Varsity Girls and experience the atmosphere of the state meet (And be inspired to reach state in future seasons!).  If you are a parent and are willing to drive athletes over on the morning of the 31st please let us know.  Coaches and competing athletes will be going over on Friday but our hope is to get together a caravan of parents to bring the remaining athletes.

5. Fundraising Opportunity - Our team is managing the VIP parking at the Civil War Football game on October 30th starting at 3pm and going through half time and into the 3rd quarter.  We need a minimum of 3 athletes/adults throughout the game.  Please let me know if you are able to help out for a 1 or 2 hour shift between 4:30 pm and 8pm (The shift from 3 - 4:30 has been filled).  

6. Team Photos are still available for purchase with proceeds benefitting our team:

Team & coach portraits:https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-Rk47t7/
Girls portraits:https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-JBTbPK/
Boys portraits:https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-3SN45f/

7. We will be having an after-state party to celebrate the end of the season at the Leapaldt's home on Saturday, October 31st at 7pm.  All team members are welcome to attend.  Please bring a snack to share.  Their address is:

319 SE Springer Court

Bend, OR 97701

Saturday, October 17, 2015

XC Schedule 10/19 - 10/25

Great week of practice team!  I appreciated the level of effort at hard practices and how fast and fresh you are all looking as we continue our taper into Districts.  I am excited to see you race!

The district race is this Friday, October 23rd.  Make an extra effort this week to get 8-10 hours of sleep, a consistent 3 meals, and stay hydrated.  It is especially important on Friday that you plan your diet ahead of time so that you eat a meal a few hours before your race.  Students will be released from class at 11:00 am.  Meet at the XC tree and we will carpool to Drake Park.  The race schedule is as follows:

Varsity Girls: 1:00 pm (Warmup at 12:00 - w/Megan)
Varsity Boys: 1:30 pm (Warmup at 12:30 - w/Monty)
JV Girls: 2:00 pm (Warmup at 1 pm - w/Mike)
JV Boys: 2:30 pm (Warmup at 2 pm - w/Andy)

Cool-downs will be done with the same coach immediately following the race.  Click here for a link to the course map.

We will send a separate email early this week with details for those of you that volunteered to help with setup and managing the race.  Thank you for the great response!

Other Reminders:

1. There is a Pasta Feed this Thursday evening at 5pm at the Hassells.  Their address is 63536 St Cloud Court Bend, OR 97701.  This pasta feed is costume themed for halloween.  Please bring the following:

Freshmen - Salad
Sophomores - Drinks
Juniors - Desert
Seniors - Bread

2. Mark your calendars!  Our end of the season team banquet is on November 8th at 5:30pm at the St. Charles Convention Center.  All athletes and their families are invited and encouraged to attend as we look back on the season and honor this great group of kids!  There will be a $15 fee for dinner for all family members but you can come and not eat if you don't want to pay - we will even have free cake for you!  The team will cover the cost of athletes. Please pre-pay for parents and family members online at https://touchbase.bend.k12.or.us.  Login with your Student ID number for User Name and last name as the password.

As a side note, most athletes typically dress in formal wear for this event.

3. All athletes are strongly encouraged to participate in a winter sport.  Some options to consider are Nordic Skiing, Swimming, Winter Track, Basketball and Wrestling.

4. Team Shirts are still available.  T-Shirts are $5 for athletes and $15 for adults.  Limited sizes are available.  Really nice long sleeve shirts are available to athletes only for $30.  These are the same long sleeve shirts we will be using for the next few years so if you buy one now you won't need to buy another later on.  We also just got team hats in that are available to both parents and athletes for $25.

5. The State Meet is coming up on October 31st and we want as many athletes as possible to attend to support our Varsity athletes and experience the atmosphere of the state meet (And be inspired to reach state in future seasons!).  If you are a parent and are willing to drive athletes over on the morning of the 31st please let us know.  Coaches and competing athletes will be going over on Friday but our hope is to get together a caravan of parents to bring the remaining athletes.

6. Fundraising Opportunities - We have two fundraising opportunities coming up:

a) We will be assisting with a pancake breakfast at All Seasons RV & Marine this coming Saturday morning.  All proceeds from this event will go to our team.  We need a minimum of 5 athletes not qualifying for the state meet (those athletes will have practice) to help at this event. Please let me know if you can attend.

b) Our team is managing the VIP parking at the Civil War Football game on October 30th starting at 3pm and going through half time and into the 3rd quarter.  We need a minimum of 3 athletes/adults throughout the game.  Please let me know if you are able to help out for a 1 or 2 hour shift between 3pm and 8pm.  

Workout Schedule This Week (Meet by the XC Tree at 3pm M-T-TH-F and at 1:15 W):

Workouts this week will continue to get shorter and faster as we taper into the District meet.  Length will decrease on hard workouts but you should maintain the same intensity to avoid feeling flat on Friday. Workouts for our girls varsity will be slightly altered to train through Districts and peak at the State meet.

Monday 10/19 - Speed Play at Pine Nursery 4-3-2 w/Increased rest (add 5 for Varsity Girls)

Tuesday 10/20 - Easy Run at Drake + Strides & Corners

Wednesday 10/21 - Track Workout 2 x (400, 300, 200) (3x for Varsity Girls)

Thursday 10/22 - Easy Run to Pine Nursery + Strides & Corners

Friday 10/23 - District Championships - Go Cougars!

Saturday 10/24 - Easy Run for athletes that qualify for the State Meet

Sunday 10/25 - Rest!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Weekly Update - 10/12 - 10/18

Great job at the George Fox Classic this weekend.  We had several breakthrough races and 40 season bests as a team!  Results are available here.

We have the Central Oregon Relays this Wednesday, October 14th.  We will carpool to Pine Nursery and you will be picked up there after the race.  Athletes will select their own teams to be either Male, Female or Co-Ed and consist of 4 athletes. We will signup for teams at practice on Monday.  The first leg of the relay for all categories begins at 3pm.  Some teams have costumes and you are welcome to indulge.

We will also be getting together on Friday night at Sun Mountain Fun Center at 7pm!  Please bring money for shoes and bowling.  If money is an issue talk to Megan or Mike and we will make sure you are covered!

Other Reminders:

1. This Friday will be the last day of practice for those athletes that did not qualify for the District Meet.  These athletes will be turning in their uniforms on Friday and we will be voting collectively as a team on captains for next year.  All athletes including those not racing at Districts, are invited to the team pasta feed on Thursday, October 22nd at the Hassells.  Athletes not racing at Districts will also be released from school early for Districts on October 23rd along with competing athletes to attend the District meet and cheer for their fellow teammates.  More information to come on these next week!

2. All athletes are strongly encouraged to participate in a winter sport.  We will have the Nordic Skiing and Swim Team Coaches at practice on Monday talking about their sports and how these will benefit your running.  Some other winter sports to consider are Winter Track, Basketball and Wrestling.

3. Team Shirts are still available.  T-Shirts are $5 for athletes and $15 for adults.  Limited sizes are available.  We also have really nice long sleeve shirts that are available to athletes for $30.  These are the same long sleeve shirts we will be using for the next few years so if you buy one now you won't need to buy another later on.  

4. Mark your calendars!  Our end of the season team banquet is on November 8th at 5:30pm at the St. Charles Convention Center.  All athletes and their families are invited as we look back on the season and honor this great group of kids!  There will be a $15 fee for dinner for all family members but you can come and not eat if you don't want to pay.  The team will cover the cost of athletes.  We will be sending out more information on the banquet soon.

5. The State Meet is coming up on October 31st and we want as many athletes as possible to attend to support our Varsity athletes and experience the atmosphere of the state meet.  If you are a parent and are willing to drive athletes over on the morning of the 31st please let us know!  Coaches and competing athletes will be going over on Friday but our hope is to get together a caravan of parents to bring the remaining athletes.

Workout Schedule This Week (Meet by the XC Tree at 3pm M-T-TH-F and at 1:15 W):

Workouts will be a bit harder than last week to avoid peaking too early, with a taper next week leading into the District Championships.  Workouts for our girls varsity will be slightly altered to train through Districts and peak at the State meet.

Monday 10/12 - Speed Play 4-3-2-1 on Canal Trail and Strength Workout 

Tuesday 10/13 - Easy Run to Pine Nursery/Help with Sky View Meet

Wednesday 10/14 - Central Oregon Relays (3 x .7 Mile Each)

Thursday 10/15 - Capture the Flag at Juniper Park

Friday 10/16 - Track Workout 2 x (4x400)

Saturday 10/17 - Easy Run at Drake Park at 9:30 am with strides

Sunday 10/18 - Rest!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Weekly Update - 10/5 to 10/11

Great job at the Oxford Meet yesterday!  Results have not been posted yet but should be on Athletic.net soon.  Our Varsity Girls took 3rd in the Varsity Gold race.  Way to go girls!

George Fox - Saturday, October 10th

This coming Saturday we will be racing at the George Fox XC Classic at Willamette Mission State Park.  Meet in the bus loop at 9am and bring lunch to eat along the way.  You will not be able to purchase lunch!  We will stop for dinner in Salem on the return to Bend.  Bring $7-10 for dinner.  We will return to Bend between 9 and 10pm.

The race schedule is as follows:

JV Girls - 2:30 PM
JV Boys- 3:00 PM
Varsity Girls - 3:30 PM
Varsity Boys - 4:00 PM

Please keep in mind that this will be the last 5K for many of our JV athletes.  The Central Oregon Relays on October 14th will be the last day for athletes not in the top 17 for boys and girls.  JV Athletes will be excused from school on October 23rd to support our athletes at the District Meet!

Our team pasta feed this week will be Friday after practice (5pm) at the Allen's House.  Their address is 3427 NE Sandalwood 97701.  Please bring the following items:

Freshmen - Salad
Sophomores - Dessert
Juniors - Bread
Seniors - Drinks

Other Reminders:

1. Team Shirts are still available.  T-Shirts are $5 for athletes and $15 for adults.  Limited sizes are available.  We also have really nice long sleeve shirts that are available to athletes for $30.  These are the same long sleeve shirts we will be using for the next few years so if you buy one now you won't need to buy another later on.  

2. Our end of the season team banquet is coming up on XXX.  We are looking for a volunteer to bake a cake for this.  If you are interested please let us know!

3. The State Meet is coming up on October 31st and we want as many athletes as possible to attend to support our Varsity athletes and experience the atmosphere of the state meet.  If you are a parent and are willing to drive athletes over on the morning of the 31st please let us know!  Coaches and competing athletes will be going over on Friday but our hope is to get together a caravan of parents to bring the remaining athletes.

Workout Schedule This Week (Meet by the XC Tree at 3pm M-T-TH-F and at 1:15 W):

Monday 10/5 - Pilot Butte Perimeter with 5 - 1 minute pickups

Tuesday 10/6 - Relays at Pine Nursery with Sky View Middle School 

Wednesday 10/7 - Canal Loop

Thursday 10/8 - Whistle Drills at Al Moody Park

Friday 10/9 - Easy Run to Stover Park

Saturday 10/10 - George Fox XC Classic!

Sunday 10/11 - Rest!